libxml++  5.4.0
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cstd::exception [external]
 Cxmlpp::exceptionBase class for all xmlpp exceptions
 Cxmlpp::parse_errorThis exception will be thrown when the parser encounters an error in the XML document
 Cxmlpp::validity_errorThis exception will be thrown when the parser encounters a validity error in the XML document
 Cxmlpp::KeepBlanksThis class sets KeepBlanksDefault and IndentTreeOutput of libxmlpp and restores their initial values in its destructor
 Cxmlpp::NonCopyableA base for classes which cannot be copied or moved
 Cxmlpp::DocumentRepresents an XML document in the DOM model
 Cxmlpp::DtdRepresents an XML DTD for validating XML files
 Cxmlpp::NodeRepresents XML Nodes
 Cxmlpp::AttributeRepresents an XML attribute node or attribute declaration
 Cxmlpp::AttributeDeclarationRepresents the default value of an attribute of an XML element node
 Cxmlpp::AttributeNodeRepresents an explicit attribute of an XML element node
 Cxmlpp::ContentNodeContent node
 Cxmlpp::CdataNodeCData node
 Cxmlpp::CommentNodeComment node
 Cxmlpp::EntityDeclarationEntity declaration
 Cxmlpp::TextNodeText node
 Cxmlpp::ElementElement nodes have attributes as well as child nodes
 Cxmlpp::EntityReferenceEntity references refer to previously declared entities
 Cxmlpp::XIncludeEndXIncludeEnd node
 Cxmlpp::XIncludeStartXIncludeStart node
 Cxmlpp::OutputBufferBase class for xmlOutputBuffer wrapper
 Cxmlpp::OStreamOutputBufferAn OutputBuffer implementation that send datas to a std::ostream
 Cxmlpp::ParserXML parser
 Cxmlpp::DomParserDOM XML parser
 Cxmlpp::SaxParserSAX XML parser
 Cxmlpp::ParserInputBufferBase class for xmlParserInputBuffer wrapper
 Cxmlpp::SchemaBaseBase class for schemas, used for validation of XML files
 Cxmlpp::RelaxNGSchemaRepresents a RelaxNG schema for validating XML files
 Cxmlpp::XsdSchemaRepresents an XSD schema for validating XML files
 Cxmlpp::TextReaderA TextReader-style XML parser
 Cxmlpp::ValidatorBase class for XML validators
 Cxmlpp::DtdValidatorXML DTD validator
 Cxmlpp::SchemaValidatorBaseBase class for schema validators
 Cxmlpp::RelaxNGValidatorRelaxNG schema validator
 Cxmlpp::XsdValidatorXSD schema validator
 Cxmlpp::SaxParser::AttributeSimple structure used in the start_element callback, in which the attributes are a list of name/value pairs
 Cxmlpp::SaxParser::AttributeHasNameThis functor is a helper to find an attribute by name in an AttributeList using the standard algorithm std::find_if