libxml++  5.4.0
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAttributeRepresents an XML attribute node or attribute declaration
 CAttributeDeclarationRepresents the default value of an attribute of an XML element node
 CAttributeNodeRepresents an explicit attribute of an XML element node
 CCdataNodeCData node
 CCommentNodeComment node
 CContentNodeContent node
 CDocumentRepresents an XML document in the DOM model
 CDomParserDOM XML parser
 CDtdRepresents an XML DTD for validating XML files
 CDtdValidatorXML DTD validator
 CElementElement nodes have attributes as well as child nodes
 CEntityDeclarationEntity declaration
 CEntityReferenceEntity references refer to previously declared entities
 CexceptionBase class for all xmlpp exceptions
 CKeepBlanksThis class sets KeepBlanksDefault and IndentTreeOutput of libxmlpp and restores their initial values in its destructor
 CNodeRepresents XML Nodes
 CNonCopyableA base for classes which cannot be copied or moved
 COStreamOutputBufferAn OutputBuffer implementation that send datas to a std::ostream
 COutputBufferBase class for xmlOutputBuffer wrapper
 Cparse_errorThis exception will be thrown when the parser encounters an error in the XML document
 CParserXML parser
 CParserInputBufferBase class for xmlParserInputBuffer wrapper
 CRelaxNGSchemaRepresents a RelaxNG schema for validating XML files
 CRelaxNGValidatorRelaxNG schema validator
 CSaxParserSAX XML parser
 CAttributeSimple structure used in the start_element callback, in which the attributes are a list of name/value pairs
 CAttributeHasNameThis functor is a helper to find an attribute by name in an AttributeList using the standard algorithm std::find_if
 CSchemaBaseBase class for schemas, used for validation of XML files
 CSchemaValidatorBaseBase class for schema validators
 CTextNodeText node
 CTextReaderA TextReader-style XML parser
 CValidatorBase class for XML validators
 Cvalidity_errorThis exception will be thrown when the parser encounters a validity error in the XML document
 CXIncludeEndXIncludeEnd node
 CXIncludeStartXIncludeStart node
 CXsdSchemaRepresents an XSD schema for validating XML files
 CXsdValidatorXSD schema validator