libxml++ 5.4.0
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
xmlpp Namespace Reference


class  Attribute
 Represents an XML attribute node or attribute declaration. More...
class  AttributeDeclaration
 Represents the default value of an attribute of an XML element node. More...
class  AttributeNode
 Represents an explicit attribute of an XML element node. More...
class  CdataNode
 CData node. More...
class  CommentNode
 Comment node. More...
class  ContentNode
 Content node. More...
class  Document
 Represents an XML document in the DOM model. More...
class  DomParser
 DOM XML parser. More...
class  Dtd
 Represents an XML DTD for validating XML files. More...
class  DtdValidator
 XML DTD validator. More...
class  Element
 Element nodes have attributes as well as child nodes. More...
class  EntityDeclaration
 Entity declaration. More...
class  EntityReference
 Entity references refer to previously declared entities. More...
class  exception
 Base class for all xmlpp exceptions. More...
class  internal_error
class  IStreamParserInputBuffer
class  KeepBlanks
 This class sets KeepBlanksDefault and IndentTreeOutput of libxmlpp and restores their initial values in its destructor. More...
class  Node
 Represents XML Nodes. More...
class  NonCopyable
 A base for classes which cannot be copied or moved. More...
class  OStreamOutputBuffer
 An OutputBuffer implementation that send datas to a std::ostream. More...
class  OutputBuffer
 Base class for xmlOutputBuffer wrapper. More...
class  parse_error
 This exception will be thrown when the parser encounters an error in the XML document. More...
class  Parser
 XML parser. More...
class  ParserInputBuffer
 Base class for xmlParserInputBuffer wrapper. More...
class  ProcessingInstructionNode
class  RelaxNGSchema
 Represents a RelaxNG schema for validating XML files. More...
class  RelaxNGValidator
 RelaxNG schema validator. More...
class  SaxParser
 SAX XML parser. More...
class  SchemaBase
 Base class for schemas, used for validation of XML files. More...
class  SchemaValidatorBase
 Base class for schema validators. More...
class  TextNode
 Text node. More...
class  TextReader
 A TextReader-style XML parser. More...
class  Validator
 Base class for XML validators. More...
class  validity_error
 This exception will be thrown when the parser encounters a validity error in the XML document. More...
class  XIncludeEnd
 XIncludeEnd node. More...
class  XIncludeStart
 XIncludeStart node. More...
class  XsdSchema
 Represents an XSD schema for validating XML files. More...
class  XsdValidator
 XSD schema validator. More...


using ParserCallbackCFuncType = void(*)(void * ctx, const char * msg,...)
 Type of function pointer to callback function with C linkage.
using ustring = std::string
 This is just an indication to the programmer that the string contains UTF-8.
using ValidatorCallbackCFuncType = void(*)(void * ctx, const char * msg,...)
 Type of function pointer to callback function with C linkage.


enum class  XmlEntityType {
 The valid entity types. More...
enum class  XPathResultType {
  NODESET = 1 ,
  BOOLEAN = 2 ,
  NUMBER = 3 ,
  STRING = 4
 An XPath expression is evaluated to yield a result, which has one of the following four basic types: More...


ustring format_printf_message (const char * fmt, va_list args)
 Format a message from a function with C-style variadic parameters.
ustring format_xml_error (const _xmlError * error=nullptr)
 Format an _xmlError struct into a text string, suitable for printing.
ustring format_xml_parser_error (const _xmlParserCtxt * parser_context)
 Format a parser error into a text string, suitable for printing.
std::istreamoperator>> (std::istream & in, Parser & parser)
 Equivalent to Parser::parse_stream().

Typedef Documentation

◆ ParserCallbackCFuncType

using xmlpp::ParserCallbackCFuncType = typedef void (*)(void* ctx, const char* msg, ...)

Type of function pointer to callback function with C linkage.

Since libxml++ 5.2:

◆ ustring

using xmlpp::ustring = typedef std::string

This is just an indication to the programmer that the string contains UTF-8.

On the other hand, when std::string appears in the libxml++ API, the encoding of the string may be UTF-8 or may be some other encoding.

◆ ValidatorCallbackCFuncType

using xmlpp::ValidatorCallbackCFuncType = typedef void (*)(void* ctx, const char* msg, ...)

Type of function pointer to callback function with C linkage.

Since libxml++ 5.2:

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ XmlEntityType

enum class xmlpp::XmlEntityType

The valid entity types.


◆ XPathResultType

enum class xmlpp::XPathResultType

An XPath expression is evaluated to yield a result, which has one of the following four basic types:

  • node-set
  • boolean
  • number
  • string

Function Documentation

◆ format_printf_message()

ustring xmlpp::format_printf_message ( const char *  fmt,
va_list  args 

Format a message from a function with C-style variadic parameters.

Helper function that formats a message supplied in the form of a printf-style format specification and zero or more ... parameters.

// Typical call:
void f(const char* fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
// ...
ustring format_printf_message(const char *fmt, va_list args)
Format a message from a function with C-style variadic parameters.
Since libxml++ 3.0:

◆ format_xml_error()

ustring xmlpp::format_xml_error ( const _xmlError *  error = nullptr)

Format an _xmlError struct into a text string, suitable for printing.

Since libxml++ 2.36:
errorPointer to an _xmlError struct or nullptr. If nullptr, the error returned by xmlGetLastError() is used.
A formatted text string. If the error struct does not contain an error (error->code == XML_ERR_OK), an empty string is returned.

◆ format_xml_parser_error()

ustring xmlpp::format_xml_parser_error ( const _xmlParserCtxt *  parser_context)

Format a parser error into a text string, suitable for printing.

Since libxml++ 2.36:
parser_contextPointer to an _xmlParserCtxt struct.
A formatted text string. If the parser context does not contain an error (parser_context->lastError.code == XML_ERR_OK), an empty string is returned.

◆ operator>>()

std::istream & xmlpp::operator>> ( std::istream in,
Parser parser 